I love making people feel beautiful!

My skin story is very long. I used to have a lot of breakouts which meant I tried out every single skincare product, but nothing worked!

System Akvile Friends France

Trying out Accutane

The first thing I did was turn to Accutane, which was great for my skin but had a number of nasty side effects (like dryness, depression etc.). After maybe 6 months I was left with no breakouts at all, which was obviously great, but my body paid a big price for it. Looking back, I wouldn’t recommend taking Accutane as it really messes with your body.

It’s now been 3 years since I last used Accutane and my skin is very good but I still get breakouts now and again, just like everyone else. But also, since using Accutane, my skin has become very sensitive, which means that I have to be careful when I use new products as my skin can break out easily. 

The life of the beauty blogger

I’m a beauty blogger, which means I am constantly trying new products which makes it hard for me to have clear skin. That being said, I’ve also tried lots of skincare products to treat my skin condition. I have tried everything from peeling to derma-rolling and nothing seems to work. This could also be because I am constantly using and testing new products though, so I’ve realized that I’ve got to stop changing products every week.

The struggle is real when it comes to sensitive skin

With my sensitive skin, I need to use the same products as a base and then introduce one product at a time instead of testing all of them at the same time. That's where I think that the System Akvile Starter Set will help me, so I'm looking forward to trying the products out.

My skincare routine

I love makeup and I wear a lot of makeup every day which means that I have been really vigilant about taking it all off in the evenings. First I use an oil to take off my makeup, then I use a gentle cleanser followed by a toner to really take off any makeup left. I then use a Vitamin C serum to keep my skin clear, followed by a serum with AHA to gently exfoliate my skin before applying some anti-ageing serum, and eye cream. I then finish it all off with a moisturizer to keep my skin hydrated.

I’ve also learned to not using Mechanical Exfoliation – which means using a brush, sponge or scrubbing disk or face scrub to physically remove all the dead skin cells because this can be really damaging to the skin. I prefer using Chemical Exfoliation to get the benefit of and exfoliation without the drawbacks.

Discovering the power of beauty

System Akvile Skincare France

I love beauty because I love making people feel beautiful! I think beauty can help people feel better about themselves plus it’s cool to take some time out to take care of yourself

Beauty can help you feel more confident. For a long time, I wasn’t confident enough to go out without makeup and makeup became a type of therapy for me. Some people think that makeup is just 2 brushes and a foundation but it’s much more than that! For me, makeup is powerful.

So, I've learned that instead of taking Accutane, which can really mess with your body, focusing on beauty is way more powerful! Beauty can help so many people feel better about themselves and I really believe that we all deserve to shine.

System Akvile Friends

Follow Guillaume and his beauty journey on Instagram for tips on how to face the world with flawless makeup!