Why Your Skincare Routine Should Be Your Most Important Habit

There are so many routines and habits that make up our day-to-day lives. From listening to the news and having a coffee before heading out the door to work, to making sure you get to the gym a few times a week, to how you relax in the evening. These are all different routines we have that help us get through the days, weeks, and months. Humans are creatures of habit, after all.

However, there's one habit that is easy to neglect, and it's quite possibly the most important one, especially if you have acne-prone skin.

The Importance of Your Skincare Routine

skincare routine for acne prone skin

Your skincare routine is so easy to forget. I'm the #1 culprit of this. I forget my skincare routine more often than I would like to admit. Small routines, which are usually the most beneficial ones, are easy to forget about when life gets stressful or busy.

When you're getting ready to go to bed and you're super tired, it can be too easy to think, "I'll just splash my face with some water and really clean it tomorrow." When you're in a rush to get ready for work in the morning, it can be easy to wash your face in the shower and call it a day.

If you have acne-prone skin, this is definitely not what you want. Acne-prone skin needs love and care, and a proper skincare routine is the way to achieve clear skin.

Humans work better with a routine, and when you're fighting off blemishes, they'll respond much better if you take time for your skin daily, instead of just when you have time for it. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it should be taken care of well, especially if you suffer from breakouts.

Here's why you shouldn't forget your skincare routine:

1. More Confidence

If you take care of your skin every day as you should, following an easy skincare routine, you'll be rewarded with clearer, healthier skin. On a surface level, this can increase your confidence and make you feel so much better about yourself. Because isn't it great when you're blemish-free and feel like you can take on the world?

2. Consistency is Key

Consistent action produces consistent results. Trying a new product once or twice and expecting to see dramatic results just isn't going to happen, unfortunately. The best way to see results with your skin is to keep coming back time after time, day after day, and sticking with it. In the end, you'll see far more results with a long term plan than you will with a week-long "miracle treatment."

3. Results Will Be Easier to Maintain

Starting a habit is always the hardest part, but once you see results, it gets a lot easier. If you see your skin getting clearer, won't you want to keep those good results going?

Nothing comes right away, no matter what you do, but if you keep plugging away at it and keep going, you'll see results over time. Once you see those results start to happen, it will be easier to maintain your skincare routine, which in turn will improve your skin even more.

Pro tip: Take a selfie when you first start a new skincare routine, and then once a week afterwards. Looking at the photos over time will help you to see the actual results!

4. You'll Establish Other Good Routines

Skincare is about much more than what you put on your skin. This is why we believe in a system: one that looks at skincare as part of a whole system of health.

If you establish a good skincare routine for acne-prone skin and start seeing results, chances are that you'll want to keep the good times rolling and will start up other healthy habits, too.

You may start taking your bedtime routine more seriously, work out more, or start eating healthier. A skincare routine can be a "gateway drug" to a healthy lifestyle, which in turn will benefit your skin even more!

Skincare Products acne prone skin routine

In conclusion...

Start with the basics. A skincare routine doesn't have to be super complicated. In fact, it should only be a few products: a cleanser, an exfoliant, a moisturizer, a spot treatment (if needed), and of course, a sunblock.

When establishing your skincare routine, go easy on yourself, and be forgiving if you forget a day.

Stick with your skincare routine over a period of weeks, or months, and photograph your results. Consistency is key when dealing with acne-prone skin!

Don't give up. We're sure you're going to love what you see.