We are committed to helping you feel your best in your skin and body
Our holistic approach towards skin health focuses also on
habit changes and healthier lifestyle overall
People having acne and skin issues persistently
Skin disorders affect nearly 1 billion people worldwide. And they are usually treated with an ad hoc approach, like putting a bandage on the issue instead of finding the root cause.


App that has holistic approach to skin health
We set out to create Akvile AI as an app that revolutionizes the approach to skin conditions from within. Our mission was to design a user-friendly experience that combines AI to detect skin changes, a daily questionnaire to track mental health and habits, and other remarkable features.
Our story
Like so many of us, our founder, Dr Akvile Ignotaite, had problems with her skin for as long as she could remember. She tried everything and hopped from product to product and piled them all on in an attempt to get rid of her pimples and/or prevent new ones, only to be let down again and again. What’s more, Akvile realized that her product-hopping mainly led to skin irritation, and it was a waste of both her time, energy and money. And, sadly, we’ve all been there! After struggling with her skin throughout her PhD and feeling frustrated by the lack of solutions for adult acne, she decided to get serious about her skin. That’s when System Akvile came to life, first as a blog and skincare brand in 2019. And later, as an app platform, in 2021.

System Akvile was launched as a skin care brand for acne-prone skin.
We built a medical app to monitor the skin progress of our customers.
System Akvile reimagined the app as a holistic app platform to support users with skin conditions worldwide.
We reached 100,000 global app users!
Our numbers

200 K
Active users

of Akvile AI users

21 M
on TikTok
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