Ciao Bellezza! - Meet Our New Friend Paulino

When I was younger, my skin was horrible. I picked my acne, I tried using harsh household products (baking soda, lemon, vinegar, salt scrubs, etc.) and pretty much made every mistake that a teenager would.

I didn’t do my research. I didn’t necessarily care, either. That is until a friend of mine introduced me to the world of acid exfoliants. From that day forward, I was hooked!

1. How have you tried to improve your skin?

Geeze, I think I’ve tried pretty much everything under the sun. I have an oily, sensitive skin type, which has made it difficult to find what works, since most products directed towards oily skin are typically on the harsher side. I’ve found that having an alternating, minimal, consistent routine works best for my skin.

Since skin can be affected by an infinite number of reasons, it’s about improving your overall health, and regarding skincare, using products that are considered nutraceutical (meaning the use of food components for medical purposes).

2. What does your skincare routine look like?

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My morning routine consists of a gentle enzyme cleanser (for gentle exfoliation), vitamin C, hydrating serum, moisturizer, and eye cream, followed by sunscreen. Okay, my idea of minimal isn’t exactly minimal for some people, but for those of us in the skincare community, that’s keeping it simple.

My nightly routine is entirely dependent on my skin's needs at that time, but typically it involves an oil-based cleaner (which occasionally turns into a double cleanse), a serum or a retinol cream, a retinol-based eye cream, followed by a moisturizer or oil. If I decide to use an oil, I use a mist beforehand.

You’ll notice I don’t usually talk about toners, because I find most to be stripping, irritating, and they typically don’t agree with my skin type. Instead, I always opt for a hydrating, water-based mist.

I also like to mask once to three times a week (the mask type is based on need) and use an exfoliant (acid or enzyme-based) once or twice a week.

3. What do you want from your skin care products?

I want them to work, plain and simple. I’m a greasy guy who loves moisture, oils, and exfoliation [SA team loves them too ;-)].

 Follow Paulino and his skincare journey on Instagram @theskincaredude_